Monday, October 8, 2012

Once Upon a Time - Where is it going?

Now that we are two episodes into the second season of last years breakout hit, Once Upon a Time, we know that magic returned everyone's memories in Storybrook. No one has their magic back except Regina, Emma and Snow White were sent back to the Enchanted Forrest, and everyone is stuck within the town limits or they lose their past lives.

I have to say that I am kind of worried about where this season is heading.  I was shocked that it only took one season for Regina's curse to be broken, because that was the glue holding the plot together.  My personal favorite aspect of first season was all the flashbacks and the back stories where we got to know each character in an in depth way.  I am sure we will still have back stories as new characters are introduced (Mulan, Captain Hook, and more!), but what is the point now? Getting back to the Enchanted Forrest? Now that Regina wants to earn Henry back by being good, who is the "bad guy"? I don't see a clear driving force behind the characters actions besides getting Emma and Snow back, but how long can that be stretched out?

This is still one of my favorite shows that I look forward to, but I hope it picks up soon.  Set-up episodes will only hold an audience for so long.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Mindy Project - Hot S***

Mindy Kaling in The Mindy Project is rocking my world.  First of all, she looks great and is hysterically funny.  I love a good female on television who can not only be good looking, but also demonstrates a great sense of humor and ability to write comedy.

And of course, I love me some Chris Messina! When I first saw him on Six Feet Under I completely fell in love.  Now it is fantastic seeing him be so funny. Who knew??

I am glad to see that there is a character on television who shares my ideals when it comes to finding a man:

New Shows - Top Picks

Now that premiere season is almost over (so sad), I have chosen a show from each of the four major networks that have me giddy with excitement, and hopeful that they will be the next big hit.

ABC - Last Resort

I mean, just to start off, how hot is Scott Speedman? That definitely is a major plus of Last Resort. But having lost the ability to watch something just because of a strapping male lead, I am pleased to say that this show has much more.  The series premiere of Last Resort started off with a bang - literally.  The pilot plot line deals with a US submarine that gets hit with a bomb.  The disturbing part about the bomb is that it was sent by the United States government. Holy conspiracy theory, Batman! Immediately a million questions come to mind - Did the bomb really come from the United States? Why was this submarine targeted? WHAT WILL HAPPEN?

What to watch out for:  the thing that worries me about this show is that it could either get cheesy, or confusing, or both.  It has a very Lost-esque feel to it.  So what will make this show good quality is how the details of the bomb are unraveled, and what those details reveal.

CBS - Elementary

Elementary Poster

This show might just be my favorite new show of the season, if the premiere was indicative of how the rest of the season will be. Johnny Lee Miller plays Holmes, a recovering alcoholic living off of his father's money.  Lucy Liu plays Watson, a sober living mate hired by Holmes's dad to make sure he stays on track.  Holmes works with the police to help solve murders, while being weird, rude and abrasive along the way. But of course everyone puts up with him because he is a genius who always knows exactly where to look for evidence and draws correct conclusions from almost no clues.  Staying true to the relationship between these two, Watson only puts up with so much.

My favorite part about this Holmes knock-off is the casting.  I am glad that they kept Holmes English, because it helps with the whole lovable a**hole that works so well for Sherlock Holmes. Miller play Holmes in a way that even when he is saying something horrible, you still want him to like you. Making Watson a woman adds that level of sexual tension that helps to fuel good Prime Time TV, and I am glad to see Lucy Liu playing someone who is not a hard-ass (i.e. Ally McBeal, Kill Bill). Added bonus is the extremely high hotness factor of the two leads - a little something for everyone!

FOX - Ben and Kate

What I like about Ben and Kate

-A single parent character who is not a complete doofus (Dakota Johnson)
-A doofus (Nate Faxon - who won an Oscar for co-writing the screenplay for The Descendants)
-Someone English (Lucy Punch)
-Quality humor writing

In a sitcom like this where there are a million more at any given time, the writing and acting is so crucial.  This show does well with both.

NBC - Revolution

Let's be serious - what scifi fan is NOT excited about Revolution? This is another product coming out of the J.J. Abrams factory.

What I am excited about: I love the concept of this show.  I have a problem with people (including myself) who are too attached to technology.  It is interesting to see Abram's version of what fantastical world emerges when we are left with no electronics. Goodbye iPhone, helloooooooo farming!

Billy Burke does a great job, as always, of being a wise-ass. Giancarlo Esposito is a BAMF, as always.

What I am nervous about: Where is this going to go? How long can they keep this up when we already know that there is a way to get the power back? We don't want another Lost situation being dragged out, and dragging all the fans along with it.

Also, Charlotte, the lead character, irritates me to no end. I sigh with relief whenever she is not on screen.  Why couldn't she have been captured and put through rough travels instead of the much more likable asthmatic brother? TV life is so unfair.

Shows Coming Up That I Am Looking Forward To:
Nashville - ABC
Arrow - The CW